Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission file "TEXT.doc" should be prepared in Word format. It should contain the complete manuscript with i) all sections (including Authors contributions, Funding, and Acknowledgements), ii) tables and figures inserted, and iii) title, summary, keywords, and captions of tables and figures in both languages (English and Spanish).
- The submission file "COVERLETTER.pdf" should be prepared in pdf format. It should mention i) the type of contribution, ii) that the manuscript presents original work and that it is not being considered for publication in other scientific outlets, iii) and that there is no conflict of interests of any of the authors.
- Figure should be made with high resolution. Vector format is prefered (eps, ai, pdf), but raster images are allowed with a resolution greater than 200dpi in any of the following formats: jpeg, tiff, png, eps, bmp.
- The manuscript fully complies with the editorial policy and the instructions for authors summarized in the Author Guidelines listed in the tab About the Journal.
Author Guidelines
- Articles. They inform about unpublished, novel scientific investigations that expand the current knowledge of a particular field within the scope of the journal and are sustained on procedural data, generated either from primary sources or from other previously published studies. The maximum extension of a manuscript will be 8,000 words including all its content.
- Reviews. They present a synthesis and discussion of the most current scientific information regarding a relevant topic within the scope of the journal. The maximum extension of a manuscript will be 8,000 words including all its content.
- Opinions. They analyze, either from a personal perspective or sustained by bibliographical support, an current and relevant topic within the scope of the journal. They can also analyze and criticize existing publications. The maximum extension of a manuscript will be 3,000 words including all its content.
- Notes. They describe new methodologies or techniques within the scope of the journal or inform about developing investigations, with preliminary results. The maximum extension of a manuscript will be 3,000 words including all its content.
Structure of the manuscripts
The organization of Articles and Notes should respect the following structure:
- Title. It should be precise and concise. All the words included in the title should be selected thoroughly and their association with other words should be carefully revised. Due to the international access of the journal, it is advised to include relevant information about the geographical localization of the study when appropriate.
- Authors. Indicate the name and surname of all authors in lower case with the initial letters in upper case. Aligned left, write the name of one author per line. Include the authors’ affiliations mentioning the main institution first (for example, university), and the dependencies inside it decreasingly arranged (for example, faculty, department, laboratory). Then, indicate the city and country of residence of the author. For the corresponding author, indicated with an asterisk (*), the phone number and email should also be included. Optionally, the ORCID and email for each author can be also included. Use the format given by the following example:
Name1 Surname1 a
Name2 Surtname2 b*
Name3 Surtname3 a,b
a University of Uuuu, College/Faculty of Ffff, Department of Dddd, City, Country. ORCID ID (optional). (optional).
*Corresponding author: b University of Uuuu, College/Faculty of Ffff, Department of Dddd, City, Country, tel.: 56-63-221056. ORCID ID (optional).
- Summary. Redacted in the past tense, it must include the problem statement, objective, methodological foundations, relevant results, and conclusions, in a maximum of 250 words. Avoid long descriptions of methods and do not include bibliographical references or statistical significance levels.
- Keywords. Include five words at most (two or three small phrases having three words at most) that identify the topic of the work. It is suggested to use words not included in the title.
- Introduction. Redacted in the present tense, it should include the problem statement, topic importance, hypothesis, if necessary, objectives, work scopes and limitations for its development, if they existed. In this section, a synthesis and interpretation of literature directly related to the topic and objectives of the work should be included.
- Methods. Redacted in the past tense, they provide sufficient and concise information so that the problem or experiment could be reproduced or easily understood by scholars. Technical specifications and precedence of materials used should be indicated, without describing trivial steps and/or materials. Biotic organisms should be conveniently identified according to the international policies that apply. The experimental procedures or data gathering procedures and statistical methods, as well as computer programs, must be clearly stated. If methods were not original or modified from other studied, they should be bibliographically indicated, and appropriately described. In any case, the presentation of various methods should be chronological.
- Results. Redacted in the past tense, they include a synthetic, ordered and elaborated presentation of the information obtained. It presents results in the form of written text supported by tables and figures, if necessary, together with analyses and data interpretation. Repetition of details given in other sections should be avoided as well as the description of facts evident when observing tables or figures.
- Discussion. Redacted in the present tense, it includes a comprehensive interpretation of the results, and when corresponding, a contrast between them and those obtained from previous publications. It is a critical analysis of results according to the objectives and hypothesis. The significance and validity of results should be commented, according to the problem statement and the methods applied. Results should not be repeated in this chapter.
- Conclusions. Redacted in the present tense, they can be included in a separate section or integrated with the Discussion, and in such cases, the title should indicate both sections. When in a separate section, the most relevant ideas, that directly derive from the work, will be precisely and concisely included. They must give an answer to the hypothesis and/or objectives stated in the Introduction. They must be clearly and objectively redacted without including bibliographical references. They may include recommendations for future work.
- Authors' contributions. They should specify the contribution of each author to the completion of the study. For example, MS designed the study and the experimental design, BA conducted the field data collection and analyzed the results, and RP contributed to the discussion and interpretation of the results. All three authors prepared the manuscript.
- Funding. It should specify the funding source. When appropriate it should mention the funding agency (public or private), the program, and the project code. Alternatively, if the funding is internal, the institution/university should be mentioned, or then, it should be stated that the study did not receive either external or internal funding.
- Acknowledgments. This optional section should briefly mention people of institutions who collaborated with the completion of the study.
- References. All references of bibliographical citations mentioned in the text should be listed in alphabetical order. The precision and veracity of data given in the bibliographical references are the responsibility of the authors and must correspond to the original publications. The maximum number of references is 40 for Articles, Notes, and Opinions, and 60 for Reviews. Use modern and relevant literature directly related to the field of study. At least 75 % of references must be from peer-reviewed scientific journals.
For contributions in the form of Reviews and Opinions, it is not necessary to strictly follow the structure stated above. However, they must contain the Title, Authors, Summary, Keywords, Introduction, the development of the manuscript appropriately divided into sections, Authors contributions, Funding, Acknowledgments, and References.
The title of each section must be written with capital letters, centered, and a letter size of 16 points, except for the Authors' contributions, Funding, and Acknowledgments sections which should be written with a letter size of 12 points.
Style and formatting
In general, the Summary, Methods, and Results of the manuscript should be redacted in the past tense, and the Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusions in the present tense. When referring to results previously published, use the present tense; this helps to make the difference between findings from your research and those from other studies. In the text, do not use acronyms or abbreviations; write full names. Exceptions permitted are those of common knowledge, such as ADN, pH, CO2, and a few others. Symbols for chemical elements are not permitted in the text. Follow grammatical rules throughout the manuscript, including the captions for tables and figures.
The manuscript should be written on letter-size paper (279 x 216 mm), with margins of 2 cm on each side, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman type, size 12, numerating pages on their bottom right side, and correlative line numbers on the left for the entire manuscript. Use a 0.8 cm tab at the beginning of each paragraph. It must be presented in an electronic file in Word processor format.
The title should be in bold and lowercase letters, size 14, and centered. Authors of scientific names should not be in the title, nevertheless, they will be introduced the first time they are mentioned in the text, starting from the Introduction.
A header with an abbreviated title of a maximum of 40 characters and spaces must be included in the right top corner of the page.
Equations should be enumerated on the right margin with square brackets "[ ]" and they will be mentioned in the text according to this enumeration. They should be prepared with an equation editor and not included in the text as images.
Measurement units should be circumscribed to the International System (IS). Concerning numeric notation, decimals should be separated by points (.) and thousands by commas (.). In Spanish texts, decimals are separated by commas and thousands by points. Zero should be used at the beginning of numbers inferior to a unit, including probability values (for example, P < 0.001).
The description of the results of each statistical test in the text should include the exact value of the associated probability P. For p values lower than 0.001, indicate it as P < 0.001. In tables and figures use asterisks to indicate the significance level of the statistic tests: * = P < 0.05; ** = P < 0.01; *** = P < 0.001; ns = not significant.
The scientific name of all biological organisms included in the text must be indicated according to the international respective nomenclature. If a common name is used for a species, the first time it is mentioned in the text, its scientific name should immediately appear between parenthesis and in cursive, for example: coihue (Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst.). Subsequent references can appear bearing the genus name abbreviated, followed by the adjective of the scientific name, for example: N. dombeyi, only if this fact does not produce any confusion with other species mentioned in the manuscript. It is suggested to mention the author of the scientific name in an abbreviated form with a period in the end, as shown in the example above. When beginning a sentence with a species name, write the full genus and do not abbreviate it with its initial letter. Authors of scientific names should not be mentioned either in the Summary or the Title.
Alphanumerical data included in tables should be presented in rows and columns, written in Times New Roman type, size 12 (minimum size 9), without bold. Only column headlines and general titles should be separated with horizontal lines, and data columns should be separated by spaces rather than vertical lines. Other forms of data or information presentation, such as graphs, drawings, photographs, and maps should be included as figures. Captions of figures and tables should be provided in Spanish and English, consecutively numbered, and cited in the text as: (table 1, table 2,…; figure 1, figure 2,…). Figure captions should be placed at the bottom of each figure and table captions should be placed on top. Tables and figures must have such a resolution to permit them to be reduced without losing legibility. A maximum of four figures and four tables is suggested, however, additional tables and figures are permitted only if necessary for the correct presentation of information. Tables and figures should be inserted in the text with the corresponding captions placing them as close as possible to the text where they were first mentioned/cited. Tables should be prepared in an editable form and not inserted as images.
Inside the figures, all descriptions and legends must be written in Times New Roman type, size from 9 to 12, without bold and respecting grammar and writing norms of the BOSQUE. Small figures must be designed with a maximum width of 8 cm (one column) and big figures with a maximum of 16 cm width (two columns). Exceptionally, a figure might be 23 cm in width (and 14 cm tall at maximum) to be presented in landscape format. Figures must be organized to gather common objects in only one figure (e.g. graphs containing the same type of information) and identified using a capital letter (A, B, C…), which will be explained in the figure's caption.
Manuscripts in English must include inserted the respective Spanish translation:
- Titulo of the manuscript.
- Resumen: should be equivalent to the content of the summary in English.
- Palabras clave: equivalent to the keywords in Spanish.
- Captions of tables and figures.
Citations and references
Bibliographic citations should be indicated in the text mentioning the surname of the author(s), followed by the publication year. Some examples of the most frequent bibliographic citations are:
- Bibliographic citations from one or two authors:
- According to Santamaría (2010), growth rate stays relatively constant during …
- … growth rate is influenced by the site (Santamaría 2010, López y Castro 2011).
- Bibliographic citations from more than two authors:
- According to Barría et al. (2009), the most important growth factor is…
- ... among all factors, diameter and height are the most important (Barría et al. 2009, Morán et al. 2010).
- Bibliographic citations from the same author published in the same year:
- In the study of Rodríguez (2009abd), it is shown then each sampling unit …
- … which corresponds with previous studies in the region (Rodríguez 2009ab, Morán et al. 2010acd).
- Multiple bibliographic citations should be ordered chronologically:
- Cerón (2007), García y Villanueva (2009), y Suárez et al. (2010) analyzed the edaphoclimatic factors …
- … tree height has been shown to have the most significant effect (Cerón 2007, García y Villanueva 2009, Suárez et al. 2010).
In the References section, bibliographic references must include the surname and initials of the names of all authors, the year of publication, the title, and the complementary information that permits locating the origin of the document under discussion. Some examples of the most frequent bibliographic references are:
- References of articles in scientific journals (use italics for the name of the journal without abbreviations):
- Jones J, A Almeida, F Cisneros, A Iroumé, E Jobbágy, A Lara, W de Paula Lima, C Little, C Llerena, L Silveira, JC Villegas. 2016. Forests and water in South America. Hydrological Processes 31(5): 972-980. DOI:
- Kogan M, C Alister. 2010. Glyphosate use in forest plantations. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 70(4):652-666. DOI:
- Karzulovic JT, MI Dinator, J Morales, V Gaete, A Barrios. 2009. Determinación del diámetro del cilindro central defectuoso en trozas podadas de pino radiata (Pinus radiata) mediante atenuación de radiación gamma. Bosque 26(1):109-122. DOI:
- References of books as a whole:
- Morales EH. 2005. Experimental design through variance analysis and lineal regression model. Santiago, Chile. Andros. 248 p.
- CONAF (Corporación Nacional Forestal, CL). 1997. Visitors statistics entries pertaining to protected wild areas in the Tenth Region of Los Lagos. 52 p. (Statistic Report Nº 47).
- References of book chapters:
- Gutiérrez B, R Ipinza. 2010. Genetic parameters evaluation in Nothofagus. In Ipinza R, B Gutiérrez, V Emhart eds. Domestication and genetic improvement of raulí and oak. Valdivia, Chile. Exion. p. 371-390.
- References of thesis, graduation reports, or dissertations:
- Emhart V. 1996. Design and establishment of a clone seed nursery of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane et Maiden) with production, research and teaching purposes. Forestry Engineer Thesis. Valdivia, Chile. Forestry Sciences Faculty, Universidad Austral de Chile. 79 p.
- Aparicio J. 2001. Biomass and yield of Eucalyptus nitens with nutritional alternatives for a sustainable silviculture in clay reddish soil. Science Master Thesis. Valdivia, Chile. Forestry Sciences Faculty, Universidad Austral de Chile. 234 p.
- References of documents available on the internet:
- DeAngelis JD. 2009. European pine shoot moth. Oregon State University Extension (Urban Entomology Notes). Accessed 10 jul. 2009. Available in
- References of documents available on the internet o websites without an author:
- MOP (Ministerio de Obras Públicas, CL). 2019. National Water Committee. Santiago, Chile. Accessed 13 sept. 2022. Available in
For further information concerning other specific cases related to bibliographic citations and references, the following documents may be consulted. Nevertheless, the order and typography of the elements constituting bibliographical citations and references must obey the policies of BOSQUE.
- Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton (IICA/CATIE). 2011. Normas para citar referencias bibliográficas en artículos científicos 4 ed. Consultado 13 abr. 2011. Disponible en
- The Council of Biology Editors (CBE). 1994. Scientific style and format: The CBE manual for authors, editors, and publishers. 6 ed. Cambridge, New York. Cambridge University Press. 704 p.
Submission files
The submission of each manuscript should be done through two files, named according to the type of information they contain. Digital files must be the following:
- Text.doc: Prepared in Word format, this file must contain i) all sections of the manuscript including the Authors contributions, Funding, and Acknowledgments, ii) tables and figures inserted, and iii) the Title, Summary, Keywords, and descriptions of tables and figures in both languages (English and Spanish).
- Coverletter.pdf: Prepared in pdf format, the cover letter of the manuscript must mention the type of contribution, declaration of no conflict of interest of all authors, and declaration that the manuscript is not being considered for publication in any other means of communication.
Manuscripts submissions should be made through the OJS (Open Journal System) platform of the journal BOSQUE, available at For any questions regarding the submissions, please send an email to The corresponding author will receive a confirmation email from the Editor once the submission is made.