Efectos del Raleo en la Estructura del Rodal, una Contribución al Manejo de las Plantaciones de Pino Insigne, Pinus Radiata D.Don

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R. Peters, Dr.


Product dimensions and timber volume remove d during a thinning operation together with the subsequent change in stand structure are important aspects to be considered when deciding upon the techniques and economics of intermediate cuts.
Accordingly, mathematical functions, useful to thinning operations wer e developed from studies based on Monterrey pine stands. In practice, once the actual stand parameters of a pole size Monterrey pine stand are known, and the thinning intensity established, these functions can be used to estimate the size of material to be remove d as well as the characteristics of the residual stand.

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How to Cite
Peters, R. (1978). Efectos del Raleo en la Estructura del Rodal, una Contribución al Manejo de las Plantaciones de Pino Insigne, Pinus Radiata D.Don. BOSQUE, 2(2), 65–71. https://doi.org/10.4206/bosque.1978.v2n2-01
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