Proposición de una Metodología Para Diseñar Sistemas de Detección de Incendios Forestales Basados en Torres de Observación

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Ernesto Weil P.


This paper proposes a modern method to set up a forest fire detection system, based on lookouts, in the coast of the province of Valdivia, X Region.
The procedure includes first of all a stratification of the area, according to the priorities in the control of forest fires. wher e the information of risk, hazard and value wa s combined. This part can also be considered as a model for the organization of resources in other activities of fire control, either in the area or in other parts of Chile.
The proposition of lookout locations wa s worked out by means of a repetitive selection of 25 alternative places, where the highest elevations of Valdivia's Coast wer e compared T h e main parts of this method are its equations, which weigh the information of visibility and exclusivity.
From the analysis of lookout locations wa s concluded that the southwest sector is not fit for this kind of detection. The rest of the area has regular conditions, where the percentages of visibility reach 46% as a maximum. 

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How to Cite
Weil P., E. (1979). Proposición de una Metodología Para Diseñar Sistemas de Detección de Incendios Forestales Basados en Torres de Observación. BOSQUE, 3(1), 57–68.
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