Soil microarthropod variation as a result of selective thinning and round spot clear-cutting forest management

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René Covarrubias
Álvaro Contreras


A paper has already been written on the effects of forest management on the diversity and abundance of soil microarthropods in an evergreen forest of Chiloé (Chile). We detail a similar experiment, which shows the possible effects of two types of forest management (selective thinning and round spot clear-cutting) on the abundance and diversity of microarthropods in a different type of forest dominated by Nothofagus obliqua. This involved contrasting logged and old growth forests near Lanco, 10th Region, Chile. Both impoverishment of microarthropod taxa and lower abundances of the dominant groups were recorded following the treatments.

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How to Cite
Covarrubias, R., & Contreras, Álvaro. (2004). Soil microarthropod variation as a result of selective thinning and round spot clear-cutting forest management. BOSQUE, 25(1), 103–116.
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