Effect of cutting frequency and phenological stage on seed production and quality in Erodium botrys and E. moschatum

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Alfredo Olivares E.
Myrna Johnston B.
Jorge Laura



The effect of cutting at different phenological stages and with different cutting frequencies on seed production and quality in two Erodium species was studied. Under controlled greenhouse conditions, seeds of each species were sown in pots with disinfected soil from the same grassland where they were collected. Six cuttings were carried out: at third-leaf pair (C1), at fifth-leaf pair (C2) and at flower initiation (C3); cutting frequencies which included cutting every time (3) that plants showed the third-leaf pair (C4); when the fifth-leaf pair appeared (C5); and a control without cutting (T). The total number of inflorescences, fruits and seeds; the weight of fruits and seeds; viability, germination capacity and vigor of the seeds were measured. In both species one cutting at establishment (third-leaf pair) or at an advanced vegetative stage (five-leaf pair) did not affect inflorescence production. This was only reduced by cutting at flower initiation, and with both cutting frequencies in E. moschatum and with cutting at flower initiation and at fifth-leaf pair twice in E. botrys. Total seed production was at flower initiation and with both frequencies. Viability was not affected by the treatments, but germination in E. botrys and seed vigor in E. moschatum did change with some cutting treatments.


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How to Cite
Olivares E., A., Johnston B., M., & Laura, J. (2002). Effect of cutting frequency and phenological stage on seed production and quality in Erodium botrys and E. moschatum. Agro Sur, 30(1), 32–39. https://doi.org/10.4206/agrosur.2002.v30n1-04

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