INTRODUCCION DE Phragmidium violaceum (Schulz) Winter COMO FACTOR DE CONTROL BIOLOGICO DE ZARZAMORA (Rubus constrictus Lef. et M. y R. ulmifolius Schott.)

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Edgardo Oehrens B., Dr.
Susana González M.


INTRODUCTION OF Phragmidium violaceum AS A BIOLOGICAL CONTROLLING FACTOR OF BLACKBERRIES (Rubus constrictus Lef. et M. and R. ulmifolius Schott.) IN CHILE.
The wild blackberries (Rubus constrictus Lef. et M. and R. ulmifolius Schott.) has become the main weed problem in Chile due to ecological influence on these originally european species. Its possible biological control by means of the rust Phragmidium violaceuin (Schultz) Winter, is discussed.
The introduction of this pathogenic agent, the infecting techniques and the preliminary results are given after one year.

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How to Cite
Oehrens B., E., & González M., S. (1974). INTRODUCCION DE Phragmidium violaceum (Schulz) Winter COMO FACTOR DE CONTROL BIOLOGICO DE ZARZAMORA (Rubus constrictus Lef. et M. y R. ulmifolius Schott.). Agro Sur, 2(1), 30–33.