Organochlorine pesticide residues in commercial pasteurised milk in Mexico City
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Milk products are frequently contaminated with toxic organochlorine pesticides. The level of organochlorine pesticide residues of 96 pasteurised milk samples was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. The samples were collected from four milk industries in Mexico City. The pesticides found in the pasteurised milk samples, their average values, the average value/MRL ratio, and sample percentages exceeding the Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) were respectively: (a+b)-HCH, 0.22 µg/g, 2.21, (47.9%), Lindane, 0.07 µg/g, 0.38, (8.3%), Aldrin + Dieldrin, 0.25 µg/g, 1.67, (39.5%), Heptachlor + Heptachlor epoxide, 0.15 µg/g, 1.00, (23.9%), Endrin, 0.05 µg/g 2.70, (37.5%), DDT and metabolites, 0.12 µg/g, 0.10, (0.0%).
A follow up study in the control of organochlorine pesticides present in Mexican pasteurised milk is recommended.