Catle lesions caused by accidental poisoning with Cestrum parqui (LHerit)
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Lesions in fourteen cattle, which were naturally poisoned by Palqui (Cestrum parqui), are described in this report. They arrived at the Diagnostic Pathology Service of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Concepción, Chile.
Animal necropsies showed hemorrhages in the pericardium, epicardium, endocardium, intestine, thymus and skeletal muscle; as well as lungs oedema and congestion. The liver was reddish-orange and "nutmeg" appearance, the gallbladder wall presented oedema and hemorrhages.
The most characteristic microscopic lesion in the liver was centrilobular necroses and irregular vacuolation of the cytoplasm by peripheral hepatocytes of the lesion and a slight proliferation of the biliary conducts. The characteristic hemorrhage lesion of palqui poisoning could be related to a decline in clotting factors caused by hepatic dysfunction.