Computed tomographic findings in chronic cerebral coenurosis associated with secondary hydrocephalus in a young ewe

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M. Gómez
N. Tadich
M. Mieres
H. Bustamante
J. Galecio
M. Herve


The purpose of this study was to describe the computed tomographic (CT) features of a 14 month old ewe showing clinical signs of cerebral coenurosis. The CT analysis of the head was made using a fourth generation CT scanner. On transverse CT images the cyst was seen as an hipodense, ring enhanced mass located in the cerebral hemispheres and ventricular system. Ventriculomegaly and atrophy of the cortical tissue was also observed indicating the presence of secondary hydrocephalus. The Coenurus was surgically removed by skull trepanation through the frontal bone and after a few days the animal recovered its healthy status. CT proved to be useful in demonstrating the anatomic location of the cyst and was helpful in surgical planning.


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How to Cite
Gómez, M., Tadich, N., Mieres, M., Bustamante, H., Galecio, J., & Herve, M. (2007). Computed tomographic findings in chronic cerebral coenurosis associated with secondary hydrocephalus in a young ewe. Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria, 39(3), 281–285.