Demographic characterization of the dog population in Viña del Mar, Chile

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M. A. Morales
C. Varas
L. Ibarra


The high population of dogs living in the streets, specially in tourist destinations such as Viña del Mar represents a problem that requires to study some of the characteristics of this population, starting with the dogs that have an owner. A random survey sample of 861 households proportionally stratified according to the number of households in twelve locations of the city was carried out. The information was gathered by handing a questionnaire survey to house owners. Total population was estimated in 100,717 dogs with 95% confidence limits of 92,961 and 108,463; there was an average of 0.95 dogs per household, sex ratio was 1.6 males per 1 female, mean age was 4 years and 7 months, and human-dog ratio was 4.1 people per dog. The crude rate of fertility was 39.1%, and general fertility rate was 115.1%; the total fertility rate shows that every female rears 10 puppies during her reproductive life. The mortality rate was 23%. The growth rate was 8.2% and the turnover rate was 25%.


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How to Cite
Morales, M. A., Varas, C., & Ibarra, L. (2009). Demographic characterization of the dog population in Viña del Mar, Chile. Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria, 41(1), 89–95.