Use of biodiesel co-products (Glycerol) as alternative sources of energy in animal nutrition: a systematic review

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V. O. Silva
E. Lopes
E.F. Andrade
R. V. Sousa
M. G. Zangeronimo
L. J. Pereira


The recent surge in the use of biodiesel in Brazil and abroad, coupled with the availability of large amounts of glycerol, are generating interest in the use of this co-product in several ways, such as its use in animal feed. The use of glycerol in the formulation of diets caused immediate interest to obtain a highly efficient energy rich product to use in animal production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of glycerol resulting from biodiesel production as an energy supplement in animal feed, as well as establishing appropriate protocols for each species based on previous studies. Most of them using pigs, cows, bulls, sheep, laying hens and broilers. It was possible to infer from these studies that glycerol was a food ingredient suitable for replacement in diets of different animal species.


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How to Cite
Silva, V. O., Lopes, E., Andrade, E., Sousa, R. V., Zangeronimo, M. G., & Pereira, L. J. (2014). Use of biodiesel co-products (Glycerol) as alternative sources of energy in animal nutrition: a systematic review. Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria, 46(1), 111–120.