Detection of Cryptosporidium spp. and other enteric zoonotic parasites in pet dogs of Mexico City

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I. Martínez-Barbabosa
M. Gutiérrez
L. A. Ruiz
A. M. Fernández
E. M. Gutiérrez
J. M. Aguilar
M. Shea
E. Gaona


Zoonotic intestinal parasites infecting dogs are a public health problem in several countries. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. and other zoonotic enteric infection parasites in dogs residing in Mexico City. One hundred and eighty three stools were analysed by faecal smear and stained with the Ziehl Neelsen modified method, and CPS were also performed by the Faust method. To define the association between variables the chi-square and Fisher's exact were applied. The results showed an infection level of 21,3% (n = 39) with one or more parasites. The infection frequency and percentage of Cryptosporidium spp., T. canis and Ancylostomideos was 21 (11.5%), 11 (6%) and 7 (3.8%), respectively. The infection level of Cryptosporidium spp. was significantly higher in long-haired breeds. T. canis was detected in 6% of them and Ancylostomideos in 3.8%. The association of Cryptosporidium spp., and T. canis was P < 0.05. The same association was observed in the delegation of Contreras, P < 0.012 and Tlalpan, P <0.0000. The infection level of Cryptosporidium spp., and T. canis was significantly higher in young dogs than in adults (P < 0.016). The presence of Cryptosporidium spp. and geohelminths in pet dogs of Mexico City was confirmed. Living with infected animals carries a risk of acquiring zoonoses. Dogs cohabiting with immunocompromised owners, especially long-haired breeds, should be checked frequently for zoonotic intestinal parasites. The level of infection of Cryptosporidium spp., T. canis and Ancylostomideos is an indicator of soil contamination and the risk of acquiring these parasites.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Barbabosa, I., Gutiérrez, M., Ruiz, L. A., Fernández, A. M., Gutiérrez, E. M., Aguilar, J. M., Shea, M., & Gaona, E. (2015). Detection of Cryptosporidium spp. and other enteric zoonotic parasites in pet dogs of Mexico City. Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria, 47(3), 347–353.