Inclusión de Corteza en Adhesivo Para Contrachapados

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Hernán F. Poblete W.
Héctor R. Cuevas D.


It has been proved tha t tannins in woods can be utilized as adhesive, however, this posibility has some problems of practical use. As this material are specially concentrated in the phloem, the present wor k studies th e posibility to include pulverized bark of Pinus radiata D. DON, in a mixtur e of adhesive for the manufacture of plywood.
In order to control characteristics of the mixtur e adhesive-bark, and to observe the influence over the quality of conjunctions, the study identify viscosity, shear strengths and level's percentage of glued exposed, in boards of three plys of Laurelia philippiana LOOSER.

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How to Cite
Poblete W., H. F., & Cuevas D., H. R. (1981). Inclusión de Corteza en Adhesivo Para Contrachapados. BOSQUE, 4(1), 44–48.