Un Decenio de Observaciones Climáticas Para Valdivia (1907 - 1916) y su Proyección Ecológica

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Patricio Montaldo B., Mg.


A paper about the climate, phenology and other observation taken in Valdivia by Ing. Ricardo Harnecker during 1907 - 1916 period is sintetized. These observations are compared with the actual knowledges and their ecological proyection is pointed out.

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How to Cite
Montaldo B., P. (1982). Un Decenio de Observaciones Climáticas Para Valdivia (1907 - 1916) y su Proyección Ecológica. BOSQUE, 4(2), 65–72. https://doi.org/10.4206/bosque.1982.v4n2-02