Importance of the ridges orientation of a potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) cultivar, on its productivity, under Valdivia conditions, X Region, Chile

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Antón Huber
Andrés Contreras
Daniel Hettich


Importance of the ridges orientation of a potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) cultivar, on its productivity, under Valdivia conditions, X Region, Chile.
The influence of the furrow orientation in a potato crop of cultivar Desireé, on the temporal and spatial temperature, edaphic water content and its productivity in a "Trumao" soil (Typic Hapludands), in the area of Valdivia, south of Chile was studied. The planting was made in two orientations, north-South and east-west. Temperature and humidity of the soil as well as foliar area and productivity were measured. Phenology of the crop was also registered. Soil temperature was measured with geothermometers located at 3 diferent depths (5,10 and 15 cm) and those, in turn, in 4 positions in the furrow. The days were classified according to the daily average cloudiness by using a star-shaped piranometer. Foliar area surface per plant was measured with an automatic device. Aerial dry matter content was also measured. Soil humidity was determined by using the gravimetric method at three depths (10, 20 and 30 cm) and the same location as before. The soil temperature was higher in the east-west orientation. Significant difíerences were found at different positions and depths. Soil humidity was always higher in the east-west orientation, at every location and depth. Phenology didn't show significant differences in time of emergence, stem and leaves growth, florescence, etc. A greater foliar volume and dry matter was observed in the east-west orientation in the last third of the growing cycle. Yield of the cultivar was 202 qq/ha in the north-south ridges and 236 qq/ha in the east-west oriented, being statistically different.

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How to Cite
Huber, A., Contreras, A., & Hettich, D. (1998). Importance of the ridges orientation of a potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) cultivar, on its productivity, under Valdivia conditions, X Region, Chile. Agro Sur, 26(2), 53–62.