Vegetation and woody flora of Tortel commune (Aisén Region, Chile): a key to identify the species

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C. San Martín
D. Montenegro
Y. Pérez
J. L. Solís


Tortel Commune is located in the South-West end of the Aisen Region with a cold and humid oceanic climate. Its vegetation consists of five forest communities (coigüe of Chiloe forest, coigüe of Magallanes forest, coigüe forest and ñire-colihue forest) only the last are deciduous, a shrubby and other subshrubby (stumpy scrub of lenga and high Andean brecillo steppe) and three peatbogs (Sphagnum bog, pulvinate bog and grass bog) that provide habitats for the studied flora. A brief description of each community were made. The woody flora of Tortel consists of 61 species, of which only three are introduced: Populus nigra, Rosa rubiginosa and Salix fragilis. This flora is dominated by shrubs with 28 species and trees with 15 and three can occur as trees or bushes (Nothofagus antarctica, Nothofagus pumilio and Tepualia stipularis). Also includes two lianas (Campsidium valdivianum and Griselinia ruscifolia) and a small tree fern (Blechnum magellanicum). The shapes of the bushes are diverse and include them one bambus bush (Chusquea culeou), one throotle liane (Raukaua laetevirens) and three passive climbers (Lebetanthus myrsinites, Mitraria coccinea and Philesia magellanica). The richest communities in woody species is the coigüe of Chiloe forest and the poorest stunted lenga bush. Finally a parallel key for determining the woody species of the Commune of Tortel that were shown in this paper is presented.


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How to Cite
San Martín, C., Montenegro, D., Pérez, Y., & Solís, J. L. (2014). Vegetation and woody flora of Tortel commune (Aisén Region, Chile): a key to identify the species. Agro Sur, 42(1), 15–29.