Agro Sur Journal: Advances and Challenges Towards its Consolidation

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José Dörner
Felipe Zúñiga
Dorota Dec
Ricardo Fuentes
Juan Pablo Keim
Kong Shun Ah-hen
Juan Lerdon


In 2014, when we took over Agro Sur as the new editorial team, we set ourselves the objective of renewing the journal in order to give it a new impulse that would reposition and project it as an important journal in its field (Dörner et al., 2014). To achieve this ultimate goal, different actions have been carried out such as: i) update of the Instructions for Authors, ii) development of a WEB page), iii) implementation of the editorial management platform “Open Journal Systems” (OJS), iv) expansion and internationalisation of the Editorial Committee, v) aesthetic update of the layout of the articles, and vi) being an active member of the Network of Research Journals (RRI-UACh).
So far, one of the most relevant steps taken has been ...

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How to Cite
Dörner, J., Zúñiga, F., Dec, D., Fuentes, R., Keim, J. P., Shun Ah-hen, K., & Lerdon, J. (2019). Agro Sur Journal: Advances and Challenges Towards its Consolidation. Agro Sur, 47(1), 1–2.