Avance de Investigación: Antecedentes Sobre Producción de Avellanas

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Claudio Donoso Z., Mg.


Gevuina avellana Mol. is a chilean tree of wide distribution which is especially common in Nothofagus forests. Avellan o is not of great economic significance but is known for its beutiful woo d and foliage and fo r its edible fruits.
This preliminary report deals with fruit production of different size trees in Malleco and plantations of three ages in Frutillar.
The possibility of producing avellano fruits in plantations and the required research are discussed.

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How to Cite
Donoso Z., C. (1978). Avance de Investigación: Antecedentes Sobre Producción de Avellanas. BOSQUE, 2(2), 105–108. https://doi.org/10.4206/bosque.1978.v2n2-05
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