Central venous accesses

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Felipe Imigo G.
Alvaro Elgueta C.
Erick Castillo F.
Eduardo Celedón L.
Carlos Fonfach Z.
Jorge Lavanderos F.
Edgardo Mansilla S.


Central venous catheters are intravascular catheters which are inserted into the large venous vessels of the thorax and abdomen. These are installed in patients requiring the administration of fluids, drugs, parenteral nutrition, or for determining physiological constants. The preferred technique for installation is that described by Seldinger, which through a catheter guide wire leads to the final location. Currently puncture can be performed under ultrasonographic view, being gold standard because of the significant reduction in complications. The veins most commonly used are the internal jugular, subclavian and femoral. For the election of the vein must be considered complication rates, existing mechanical, thrombotic and infectious. In this review we analyze indications, contraindications, insertion technique, use of ultrasound, and how to prevent complications.

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How to Cite
Imigo G., F., Elgueta C., A., Castillo F., E., Celedón L., E., Fonfach Z., C., Lavanderos F., J., & Mansilla S., E. (2018). Central venous accesses. Cuadernos De Cirugía, 25(1), 52–58. https://doi.org/10.4206/cuad.cir.2011.v25n1-08
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