Carmen Ollé's Noches de adrenalina as neo-avant-garde integral poetry

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Giovanna Iubini Vidal


This paper intends to analyze Carmen Ollé's poetry book, Noches de adrenalina (Nights of Adrenaline), from the perspective of integral poetry, that is, from the aesthetic of the Peruvian group Zero Hour. This understanding emphasizes on the neo- avant-garde aspects of the text, particularly in the hipervitalist project emerging from the relationship between art, life, and politics, as well as the meta-reflection and the intertextuality.

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How to Cite
Iubini Vidal, G. (2018). Carmen Ollé’s Noches de adrenalina as neo-avant-garde integral poetry. Philological Studies, (55), 77–92.
Author Biography

Giovanna Iubini Vidal, Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Valdivia, Chile.

Este artículo forma parte del proyecto FONDECYT 1100446 "Neovanguardias de la poesía hispanoamericana (1960-1980): Heterogeneidades, mutaciones, migraciones" del que soy colaboradora. El investigador responsable es el Dr. Oscar Galindo.