Poetry (en) Guaraní: word dislocated

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María Claudia Rodríguez Monarca


The article proposes a reading from the notions of dilinguismo and bilingual, a repertoire of poems Guarani from Susy Delgado, Brigido Bogado and Mario Ruben Alvarez. The working hypothesis is that while the use of two languages in Paraguay, seem to point to a bilingual experience, they do actually covering semantic domains and different cultural spaces (closed to the other language), accounting for a dilinguismo. In this way the poetic word stands as a place (locus) that enables the coexistence of both languages, double coding or ethnolinguistic collage. The language jopará (transit between Castilian and the Guarani), in the most radical, is installed in a third strategic area of resistance in a mixed semantic space, which retrieves the identity and cultural self-assertion.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Monarca, M. C. (2018). Poetry (en) Guaraní: word dislocated. Philological Studies, (50), 113–126. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132012000200007
Author Biography

María Claudia Rodríguez Monarca, Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Valdivia, Chile.

Este trabajo es parte del proyecto Fondecyt N° 1100662, "Repertorios en coexistencia e interferencia en la poesía indígena hispanoamericana actual", del que soy investigadora responsable, cuyo objetivo es estudiar los repertorios más que un corpus de autores y textos, como modelos poéticos que operan en la poesía indígena.