Chilean anthropological literature: fundamentals

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Iván Carrasco M.
Miguel Alvarado B.


This paper proposes the existence in Chile of a text type non described in terms of theory, criticism and literary history, which has been seen as part of anthropological discourse ("anthropological poetry"). Textuality is a defined by a style and thematic set reduced from the profession of his authors. Is a new kinds of border literature characterized by "mutation disciplinary". Here we establish some theoretical background and added as Annex objectives, hypothesis, methodology, corpus and expected results of an ongoing research project.

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How to Cite
Carrasco M., I., & Alvarado B., M. (2018). Chilean anthropological literature: fundamentals. Philological Studies, (46), 9–23.
Author Biography

Iván Carrasco M., Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Valdivia, Chile.

Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto FONDECYT Regular 2010 N° 1100344 "Literatura antropológica en Chile", Investigador Responsable Iván Carrasco M.; Coinvestigador Miguel Alvarado B.