Chupa- + S in the Spanish of Chile

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Leopoldo Sáez


V + N compounds have a long and uninterrupted tradition in the Romance languages. They make up one of the productive and usual procedures for the creation of neologisms, predominantly of a popular character. In Chilean Spanish three compounds of chupa- have consolidated their use and have spread geographically and socially: chupasangre, chupamedia(s) and chupacabra(s). Others have less diffusion and frequency of use, are limited to specific actvity oriented groups or are marked as regards social stratification and valuation: chupatinta, chupacabras 2, chu-pamangas, chupapatas, chupapico, chupacabeza, chupacalceta.

For studying current Spanish, Internet, thanks to search engines like Google open huge possibilities, complementing linguistic corpora like CREA or CORDE.

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How to Cite
Sáez, L. (2018). Chupa- + S in the Spanish of Chile. Philological Studies, (46), 119–136.