Rhythmic metrics in three dialects of Amper-Spain

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Guillermo Toledo


With the purpose of refining the rhythmic class of a syllable-timed language like Spanish and also indicating dialect variations, four normalized metric rhythmic to avoid disturbances caused by changes in speaking rate: (1) the proportionality of vocalic intervals (% V), (2) the index of variability of vocalic intervals in pairs, normalized by the average of those pairs (n PVI-V), (3) the standard deviation of consonantal intervals normalized by logarithm base e (n Delta V), and (4) a metric of control, the index variability of consonantal intervals in pairs, normalized by the average of those pairs (n PVI-C) are calculated. The results separate the Romance languages (Spanish) of the Germanic languages. They also indicate dialectal differences.

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How to Cite
Toledo, G. (2018). Rhythmic metrics in three dialects of Amper-Spain. Philological Studies, (45), 93–110. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132010000100008