Neo-avant-gardes in Southern cone poetry: the 70's and around

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Oscar Galindo V.


This article analyzes the neo-avant-garde poetry production in the Spanish-American Southern cone (Argentina, Chile, and Peru), based on the production of the 1970's. It was at this moment that a neo-avant-garde re emergence occurred, and which ruptured from the colloquialism typical of the previous promotion. Thus, several movements and products appeared in the literary system, re-processing the gestures of the historical avant-gardes, provoking not only a breakdown in the artistic disciplines, but also heterogeneous expressions and mutants, which direct or obliteratingly expressed the political gesture of their rupture.

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How to Cite
Galindo V., O. (2018). Neo-avant-gardes in Southern cone poetry: the 70’s and around. Philological Studies, (44), 67–80.
Author Biography

Oscar Galindo V., Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Valdivia, Chile.

Este artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación Fondecyt 1070208 "Migraciones y mutaciones en la poesía hispanoamericana actual del cono sur (Argentina, Chile, Perú. 1960-2000)". Investigador responsable: Osear Galindo V.; coinvestigadora: Claudia Rodríguez M.
Una primera versión fue leída en las VIII lomadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana (IALLA) 2008, Universidad de Chile, 11 al 15 de agosto.