The anarchistic dramaturgy in Chile. A discourse of cultural resistance

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Sergio Pereira Poza


The anarchistic Chilean dramaturgy of the early 20th century is seen as one of the many forms of cultural resistance that the libertarian movement putted up against a closed, elitist and excluding system, intending to polemically contrast the positive and complaisant discourse of an order that established a single way of comprehension and representation of reality and which fought, concealed or suppressed all other alternative forms of vision. The strategy followed was that of symbolically disputing the spaces of significance administered by the bourgeois power, and in this connection the approach was to replicate the current means of production and media, although stating a discourse independent from the power and any form of cultural hegemony.

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How to Cite
Pereira Poza, S. (2018). The anarchistic dramaturgy in Chile. A discourse of cultural resistance. Philological Studies, (44), 149–166.
Author Biography

Sergio Pereira Poza, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Facultad de Humanidades, Departamento de Lingüística y Literatura, Avenida. Bernardo O'Higgins 3363, Santiago, Chile.

Este trabajo es parte del resultado de la investigación Fondecyt N° 1070128 (Conicyt) "La dramaturgia anarquista en Chile. Un discurso de Resistencia".