Secret and simulacrum in Roberto Bolaño's 2666

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Patricia Espinosa H.


2666, Roberto Bolaño´s last novel consists of five parts that may be read in an independent way, separately or interconnected -not necessarily in a linear way- in terms of group. Each part refers to Santa Teresa, a bordering Mexican city, where assassination of women are committed. Each part also refers to the writer disappearence, the evil and the secret as topics. The novel proposes infinite clues the reader must follow in search of his origin, which are always false in its origin. He plays with the metaphysical tradition of the ungraspable, the secret inside the writing, the unreachable aura, with our desperate anxiety of references.

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How to Cite
Espinosa H., P. (2018). Secret and simulacrum in Roberto Bolaño’s 2666. Philological Studies, (41), 71–79.