Lexical aspects of linguistic creolization

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Manuel Contreras Seitz


This article analyses the general features of expository texts, descriptive specifically, from the colonial period in the context of its writing process. Then the interest centres on the implications these texts have in the study of lexis within the process of creolization of the Spanish speech, indicating a few areas where the process is easily noticed. The features of this process are dealt in some detail together with the shaping of the dialect in its most basic aspects, exemplifying the theoretical aspects with instances from Gerónimo de Bibar's "Crónica".

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How to Cite
Contreras Seitz, M. (2018). Lexical aspects of linguistic creolization. Philological Studies, (37), 53–64. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132002003700003
Author Biography

Manuel Contreras Seitz, Universidad de Los Lagos. Departamento de Humanidades. Casilla 933, Osorno, Chile.

Este trabajo es parte de los resultados de la investigación "Análisis léxico-semántico de dos crónicas sobre el Reino de Chile: La Crónica y relación copiosa y verdadera de los Reynos de Chile, de Gerónimo de Bibar, y la Descripción breve de toda la tierra del Perú, Tucumán, Río de La Plata y Chile, de Fray Reginaldo de Lizárraga", financiada por la Dirección de Investigación y Postgrado de la Universidad de Los Lagos.