Vocal tone and effort of the vocal chords

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Hernán León Valdés
Humberto Valdivieso


The variation of ten indicators of shimmer and jitter was observed in a sample of 71 subjects, all teachers of secondary education. The results show that the high vowels /i/ and /u/ present a higher F0 frequency and amplitude disturbance. It may be assumed that this is related to the greater effort to which the vocal chords are subjected when articulating /i/ and /u/. From a linguistic point of view, this fact is important both in the theoretical as well as applied aspects, particularly in language teaching and clinical phonetics.

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How to Cite
León Valdés, H., & Valdivieso, H. (2018). Vocal tone and effort of the vocal chords. Philological Studies, (37), 65–75. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132002003700004
Author Biography

Hernán León Valdés, Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Humanidades y Arte. Departamento de Español. Casilla 160 C, Correo 3, Concepción, Chile.

Este trabajo presenta los resultados más importantes del Proyecto de Investigación N 99.062.033-1.0., financiado por la Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Concepción. Este proyecto estuvo coordinado con uno similar que Luis Romero, de la Escuela de Fonoaudiología (Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile) realizó en Santiago.