Linguistic nativeness in Chilean Spanish of the colonial period

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Manuel Contreras


A series of phonetic features important in the historical development of the Spanish language in Chile during the colonial period are analized in this paper. The studied documents, 216 texts paleographically transcribed, include peninsular as well as Chilean ("criollos") authors. A set of features has been selected which, if not exclusive, turns up in the meridional-andalusian linguistic dialect as "seseo", "yeísmo", aspiration of /-s/ and /h-/ < /f-/, palatal consonants velarization and unstability of /r, l/ liquids. Examples are given for each case and a sample of the corpus.

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How to Cite
Contreras, M. (2018). Linguistic nativeness in Chilean Spanish of the colonial period. Philological Studies, (35), 41–59.
Author Biography

Manuel Contreras, Dpto. Humanidades y Arte. Universidad de Los Lagos. Casilla 933 – Osorno.

Este artículo es una versión más amplia de una ponencia presentada en el XIII Congreso de SOCHIL y se basa en resultados obtenidos a través de la realización de diversos proyectos financiados por la Dirección de Investigación y Postgrado de la Universidad de Los Lagos.