“Is poetry a weapon loaded with future?” The postmodern poetic engagements or the canon under suspicion

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The Spanish canon of twentieth-century poetic engagement is being seriously questioned by those authors who are nowadays considered their natural successors: a fact which finds explanation in deterioration suffered by the mediate poetic models, but also in the new political scene and in the ideological weakening of the times. Examine the new approaches of postmodern poetic engagement in its main formalisations will help to identify the most revisited, accepted or contested areas of the settled canon, and to reveal to what extend those forms feel inheritors of its canonical patterns.

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How to Cite
IRAVEDRA, A. (2018). “Is poetry a weapon loaded with future?” The postmodern poetic engagements or the canon under suspicion. Philological Studies, (61), 243–263. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132018000100243