Visual constellations between art and poetry. Four hand figuras in ilustration, drawing and chilean poetry

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Jorge Polanco Salinas


The article adresses four hand figuras in poetry and chilean art, from constellations in artistic creation and reception that contemplates colective works between poetry and visual art, as well as temporalities and various poetics that dialogue around figuras who return and sediment the look. The hand and the deck of cards, the hand and the bed, the hand and the cartoon, the hand and the intonation; these are the four constellation of reading in this article and shows migrations between drawing, ilustration, format, materialities and poem. These migrations allow to see a persistence in the integration of letter and visual image in the chilean literature.

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How to Cite
Polanco Salinas, J. (2022). Visual constellations between art and poetry. Four hand figuras in ilustration, drawing and chilean poetry. Philological Studies, (69), 39–56.