Political Imagination and Cinematic Modes of Experience: Some Notes from Latin America

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Sebastian Wiedemann


Forced to think by recent socio-environmental events and uprisings in Latin American latitudes, we aspire in this writing, a gesture of intervention and political experimentation in the act, to speculate a series of propositions of political imagination by establishing alliances with cinematic modes of experience that unfold through variable materialities and surfaces of thought, be these audiovisualities, or the writing itself in play. Which, in turn, carry with them methodological and epistemological consequences, for what is at stake is the establishment of bridges and ontological intersections that, without reducing difference, intensify experience and may favor the emergence of a cosmopolitics of the image.

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How to Cite
Wiedemann, S. (2023). Political Imagination and Cinematic Modes of Experience: Some Notes from Latin America. Philological Studies, (72), 189–211. https://doi.org/10.4067/s0071-17132023000200189