Anthropologic literature in Chile: An intercultural literature?

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Pilar Valenzuela Rettig


The anthropological literature in Chile is an innovative, interdisciplinary and ambiguous textuality, whose study is recent and sparse. In this paper we relate a theoretical level, this anthropologic literature with intercultural literature in Chile under the hypothesis that the anthropological literature can be considered a manifestation of intercultural literature. For such an effect there is analyzed the intercultural character of the anthropologic literature and the textual strategies that he shares with the intercultural literature.

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How to Cite
Valenzuela Rettig, P. (2018). Anthropologic literature in Chile: An intercultural literature?. Philological Studies, (56), 161–173.
Author Biography

Pilar Valenzuela Rettig, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.

Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto FONDECYT Postdoctorado 2014 N° 3140616 "Literatura antropológica en Chile: Una literatura intercultural", del cual la autora es investigadora responsable.