Systemic-functional description and multiregister grammar

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Rosa María Gutiérrez Barrientos


In this article, we describe, from the theoretical and methodological framework of Systemic Functional Grammar, the lexicogramatical realization of the options of the systemic network of the Theme in Spanish. To identify them, we carried out a bibliographical review of grammars of the Spanish and of linguistic studies, in general, on the function of Theme. This stage will be complemented by a work of pre-corpus on a small set of documents, which will provide an approximation to the language in use and will award empirical sustenance to the bibliographical review. The characterization developed on the base of the different scales of abstraction that proposes the theory: range, axis(axle), detail in the systemic network(net), continuum of the lexicogrammar and probability of occurrence. The principal results show that the systemic network of theme in spanish presents five options: logical, logical topical, topical, intertopical and interpersonal.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Barrientos, R. M. (2018). Systemic-functional description and multiregister grammar. Philological Studies, (47), 59–82.