Metamorphosis of fiction and The narrative fiction by Félix Martínez Bonati

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Malva Marina Vásquez


The article starting from the comments on narrative fiction by Martinez Bonati carrie out a critical itinerary through some theories about fiction. The central objective consists on questioning the author's proposal -his ontologic approach to fiction- when locating it in the debate on the mutation of the sensorium and the crisis of the modern notion of representation in the current massmedia society. Within the most outstanding theories in fiction, the possible world theory and Iser act of fictionalization's proposal appear as the most relevant. Martinez Bonati's proposal, based on a mimetic semantics, is contrasted with the possible worlds" theory, which contributes with a constructive semantics, allowing to account for all possible literary aspects, and not only those governed by the criteria of truth and verisimilitude.

Article Details

How to Cite
Vásquez, M. M. (2018). Metamorphosis of fiction and The narrative fiction by Félix Martínez Bonati. Philological Studies, (46), 157–172.
Author Biography

Malva Marina Vásquez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Instituto de Lingüística y Ciencias del Lenguaje, Casilla 4059, Valparaíso, Chile.

El presente trabajo forma parte del Proyecto FONDECYT Regular 1101043 "Quiebres Epistémicos y Estética de lo fantástico en narrativa chilena y argentina", del cual la autora es investigadora responsable y Andrés Bobenrieth y Pablo Oyarzún coinvestigadores.