Systemic-functional description of Tag Questions in Chilean Spanish

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Marco Contreras Castro
Claudio Pinuer Rodríguez


The purpose of this research is to explore the meanings of tag questions in Chilean spanish from a systemic functional perspective. To that end, we use a trinocular approach to describe this linguistic resource by using samples of speech from a corpus of Spanish in TV panels discussion. Looking at tag questions “from above”, we are asking what semantic features are being realized by the grammar. “From around” we describe entry conditions in the lexicogramatical stratum. “From below” we describe particular structural configurations of the tags. We can conclude that the tag question is a productive resource for the expression of interpersonal meanings in all speech functions. Tag questions are mainly integrated in giving speech movements. The main subject of negotiation is information. Within the mood system, they are integrated in declarative, imperative and interrogative clauses. Tag questions take the form of particles with interpersonal value, located as adjuncts in the clausal periphery.

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How to Cite
Contreras Castro, M., & Pinuer Rodríguez, C. (2023). Systemic-functional description of Tag Questions in Chilean Spanish. Philological Studies, (71), 99–127.