Audiovisual Heritage and Regional Memory. An approach to Family Film

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Paola Lagos Labbé
Arturo Figueroa Günther


As a result of the review of a work of recuperation and valorization on family film heritage, this article attempts to propose a conceptualization exercise of amateur cinema and -particularly- of family film, by taking into account four points: The (op) position of amateur cinema in relation to industrial cinema; a characterization that would define the language of domestic cinema; the idealization of the sense of family involved in home made films and, finally, the heritage value of family film into the development of identity and historical memory at the south of Chile.

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How to Cite
Lagos Labbé, P., & Figueroa Günther, A. (2017). Audiovisual Heritage and Regional Memory. An approach to Family Film. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (15), 97–113.