Some political and legal insights about MERCOSUR from a chilean perspective

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Coral Pey
Jorge Riquelme


Literature about the Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) has been focused mainly on its economic dimension. In this perspective, the integration process has found diverse obstacles affecting on its precarious outcomes. Taking it into account, this paper is intended to investigate the legal, political and social MERCOSUR’s dimensions. So, it is upholded that, although in the economic feld MERCOSUR hasn’t been successful, in the political area it presents relevant achievements. As an integrational multidimensional strategy, MERCOSUR has contributed in a very important way to the security of its members, as well as in the educational feld and in the participation and social cohesion of the Cono Sur subregion.

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How to Cite
Pey, C., & Riquelme, J. (2017). Some political and legal insights about MERCOSUR from a chilean perspective. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (13), 31–54.