Historical ethnography of the Nazareno of Caguach in Chiloé, Chile

Main Article Content

Juan M. Saldívar


This work shows ethnographic and historiographical findings on the development of the Nazareno of Caguach religious tradition, in the island of Caguach, in Chiloe. The discussion includes the confluence of religious imaginaries brought from Peru by Franciscan missionaries into the island communities in the late nineteenth century. It establishes cultural dynamics that manifest complex structures of meaning through relations between communities of practitioners in Chiloé.

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How to Cite
Saldívar, J. M. (2018). Historical ethnography of the Nazareno of Caguach in Chiloé, Chile. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (33), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.4206/rev.austral.cienc.soc.2017.n33-05
Author Biography

Juan M. Saldívar

Doctor en Antropología, Investigador Postdoctorante Programa ATLAS-CEDER, Universidad de Los Lagos. Cochrane # 1056, Osorno, Chile.