The emergence of anti-patriarchal masculine activism in Chile’s post-dictatorship period: the case of “Kolectivo Poroto” (2005-2014)

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Carla Mella-Barrientos


This article contributes to the debate concerning the emergence and development of an anti-patriarchal oriented activism in Chile, in a political scenario in which new ways of understanding and interpreting the relationships between the State and Civilian Society are being acknowledged. In this case, the interest is put on getting to know the characteristics of the political action of an urban collective in Santiago named “Kolectivo Poroto”, a Pioneer group in Chile with a trajectory that addressed, in a critical way, the naturalization of patriarchy and capitalism regarding traditional roles and gender relations. Even though it is not posible to speak about an anti-patriarchal movement in Chile, reflections like this one favor an initial historical approach to the emergent masculine activism that publicly established the need to generate new connections between men and women.

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How to Cite
Mella-Barrientos, C. (2018). The emergence of anti-patriarchal masculine activism in Chile’s post-dictatorship period: the case of “Kolectivo Poroto” (2005-2014). Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (33), 123–142.