Chronology of interethnic relationships of bordering Pehuenches in the 18th Century

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Oscar S. Toro-Bardeci


With the aim of recognize cultural and political strategies developed by Pehuenches groups in the Spaniard-Indigenous Conferences of 18th Century in Biobío border, I accessed to archives and several documents wrote between late 17th and early 19th centuries. In such political meetings it can be seen how Pehuenches kept their particularity as a social entity distinguish from the Mapuches. On the one hand, their mobility and knowledge of the Andean walkways was the key to access to border commercial flow and, on the other hand, to control over eastern salt mine and meadows, establishing political alliance with Spaniards. It is proposed a chronology for Spaniard-Pehuenche relations in the 18th Century, through five specific moments which are considering as landmarks in this interethnic relation, and from where it can be distinguish the changes throughout this whole period. These changes refers to a complex social reality, with political and economic consequences.

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How to Cite
Toro-Bardeci, O. S. (2018). Chronology of interethnic relationships of bordering Pehuenches in the 18th Century. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (34), 239–260.