Construction and Positioning of the Sociotechnical Imaginary: “Energy 2050”

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Juan Carlos Imio
Francisca Fonseca-Prieto


The aim of this article is to identify the main efforts deployed by a techno-epistemic network in the construction and positioning of an energetic imaginary that’s renewable and civic in Chile: the “Energy 2050”. The methodology of the study is qualitative with a bibliographic review design. Empirically, we conducted a thematic analysis on the secondary information from the techno-epistemic network developed by Chile’s Ministry of Energy between the years 2014-2018. The analysis shows that members of the network, through the sociotechnical understanding of energy, managed to “dehydroAysenize” the electricity field, develop an energy policy and position a new socially, politically and technically validated imaginary that promotes an energy transition towards the year 2050. Finally, our discussions with the scientific literature allows us to provide a background for a new study subject related to the implications of socio-environmental conflicts or controversies in sociotechnical imaginary.

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How to Cite
Imio, J. C., & Fonseca-Prieto, F. (2022). Construction and Positioning of the Sociotechnical Imaginary: “Energy 2050”. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (42), 145–159.