Focusing on masculinities in higher education. Proposals of undergraduate students

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Karen Mardones-Leiva


Gender equality strategies have been characterised by an approach  focused on women, with a lack of policies that consider men and masculinities. The object of this study was to draw up gender equality guidelines using an approach focused on masculinities. This is understood to mean promoting the questioning and substitution of male gender practices anchored in patterns that sustain relations of domination and involving men in the actions carried out. A mixed methodology was used, combining open interviews with a reflection- action workshop. The participants were 31 undergraduate students from three universities in Valdivia, Chile: 18 participated in the interviews and 13 in the workshop. Analysis of the thematic content produced five Lines of Action: Men for a life free of violence; Devirilizing masculinity; Co- responsibility in reproduction; Men supporting the demand for equal pay; and Cultural change.

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How to Cite
Mardones-Leiva, K. (2023). Focusing on masculinities in higher education. Proposals of undergraduate students. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (45), 263–283.