Against the barbarian technician: Remembranzas de una universidad humanista of Eduardo Morales Miranda

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Yanko González


The book of memories Remembranzas de una universidad humanista (2004) written by the former rector and founder of the Universidad Austral de Chile, Eduardo Morales Miranda, opens a rich field of historical and sociocultural exploration about the limits and potentials of the biographical uniqueness to understand the construction of the university institutionalism in Chile and its complex development in the regional areas. The purpose of this work is to analyze the autobiographical writings of Morales -triangulated with various written and oral sources- based on three lines of reading: as generational eponymous; as ideological testimony of tensions between the state, regional development and educational thoughts materialized in the country since the mid-twentieth century, and; as a genre, being an unusual case of "heterobiography" in first person.

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How to Cite
González, Y. (2017). Against the barbarian technician: Remembranzas de una universidad humanista of Eduardo Morales Miranda. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (29), 181–193.