Semantic construction of the discourse of ethnic identity in teens urban mapuche of Santiago

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Mauricio Neculmán Bahamonde


The article focuses on the investigation of the mapuche identity construction of adolescents in the city of Santiago. 15 interviews were conducted in different districts. The chose is to use a description of the semantics of identity establishing a thematic analysis that subjects developed in the conversation-interview. For analysis are drawn dimensions and categories derived from systems theory of Luhmann. The elements considered in the process of construction are the territory, social stratification, discrimination, and family membership, as constituent ethnic groups. Which respond to the logic of Social Integration / Integration Systemic to thereby determine the identity communication that teens have mapuche in Santiago. A Social Integration (mapuche) legislation designates coordination processes in situations of co-presence. A Systemic Integration (no mapuche) addresses ways of coordinating distant in space and time.

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How to Cite
Neculmán Bahamonde, M. (2017). Semantic construction of the discourse of ethnic identity in teens urban mapuche of Santiago. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (21), 95–109.