Breach of the duty of cooperation of the creditor in Chilean law: a case of breach of contract

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Pamela Prado López


It is common for parties to a contract must cooperate so that the obligations can be met. In this paper we postulate that proper technical analysis, means recognizing that cooperation creditor stands as a secondary or functional duty of conduct within the contract, breach of which constitutes a breach of contract, allowing the counterparty exercise of contractual remedies.

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How to Cite
Prado López, P. (2016). Breach of the duty of cooperation of the creditor in Chilean law: a case of breach of contract. Revista De Derecho, 29(2), 59–83.
Author Biography

Pamela Prado López, Doctora en Derecho, Universidad de Chile. Académica Escuela de Derecho Universidad de Valparaíso.

Este trabajo se basa en una parte de la Tesis doctoral titulada "La colaboración del acreedor en los contratos civiles, de acuerdo al ordenamiento jurídico chileno", y que a la fecha se encuentra publicada por la Editorial Thomson Reuters- La Ley, Santiago de Chile, 2015. Este estudio se enmarca en el Proyecto Fondecyt Inicia N° 11140155.