Article 925 Civil Code. The true complaint for relief

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Mónica Jara Pérez


The apparent contradiction that exists between Articles 924 and 925 of the Civil Code, related to proof of possession, has been interpreted traditionally in an insufficient manner due to doctrine and jurisprudence, by not giving weight to the final sentence of Article 925CC "executed without the consent of he who disputes the possession". Based on the indications, after a questioning and reformulation of the traditional interpretation made in jurisprudence of article 925 CC, by virtue of an historic and systemic analysis, which links articles 916, 921, 923 and 924 of the Civil Code, it is concluded that the coincidence of the events described in the norm with the concept of disturbance or hindrance and the function of the conservation of possession, definitively postulate the restructuring of actions of possession, in particular the Complaint for Relief, mistakenly articulated on the basis of article 921 CC.

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How to Cite
Jara Pérez, M. (2016). Article 925 Civil Code. The true complaint for relief. Revista De Derecho, 29(2), 109–130.