Terrorism in the chilean Constitution

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Myrna Villegas Díaz


This paper critically analyzes the current constitutional treatment of terrorism in the 1980 Constitution, taking position on the need for a ruling on the matter in the Constitution. He argues that in the national context on constitutional change is not necessary a ruling on the matter, as the constitutional recognition of terrorism lead to the consecration of a repressive mechanism protection of democracy that undermines its legitimacy. In support of its position, the author reviews the comparative constitutional regulation of terrorism and its consecration in Chile and the implications that has had it in normative terms and jurisprudence, particularly with regard to the impact on fundamental rights.

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How to Cite
Villegas Díaz, M. (2016). Terrorism in the chilean Constitution. Revista De Derecho, 29(2), 295–319. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-09502016000200014
Author Biography

Myrna Villegas Díaz, Doctora en derecho y postgraduada en criminología, Universidad de Salamanca. España. Investigadora del Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile.

Este trabajo se realiza en el marco del proyecto Fondecyt Regular N° 1140040, "Terrorismo y democracia. Bases para un concepto jurídico de terrorismo en el derecho penal chileno y examen de núcleos problemáticos en su actual regulación", del que su autora es investigadora responsable. Se agradecen las observaciones al borrador por parte del seminario de investigación integrado por los profesores JP. Mañalich, C. Cárdenas y J. Winter, y los ayudantes JC. Sharp, F. Bonzi, N. Navarrete y C. Núñez.