Conceptual standards and procedural burdens in antidiscrimination litigation, Critical analysis of case law on the Zamudio Act between 2012 and 2015

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Fernando Muñoz León


This article offers a critical analysis of the decisions issued by Chilean lower courts with respect to the remedy created by Title II of the Law of Measures Against Discrimination, also known as the Zamudio Act. The article concentrates its attention in the concept of discrimination that the case law offers in the form of elements that constitute it, and in its understanding of how to discharge the burden of proof and justification involved in the lawsuit. The article concludes arguing that this critical appraisal, at the same time that confirms the criticisms to the letter of the law articulated by several scholars, also suggests the need to complement our legal culture through a careful reflection on the phenomenon of discrimination.

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How to Cite
Muñoz León, F. (2015). Conceptual standards and procedural burdens in antidiscrimination litigation, Critical analysis of case law on the Zamudio Act between 2012 and 2015. Revista De Derecho, 28(2), 145–167.
Author Biography

Fernando Muñoz León, Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Abogado. Doctor en Derecho, Universidad de Yale; Profesor Asistente, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Este artículo forma parte del Proyecto Fondecyt de Iniciación en la Investigación N° 11121191, titulado "El concepto de 'grupos desaventajados' como complemento a la dogmática constitucional chilena sobre igualdad", del que el autor es investigador responsable. El autor agradece los comentarios de los participantes en el Seminario Austral de Derecho, llevado a cabo en la Universidad Austral de Chile el 26 de junio de 2015; del Coloquio de Derecho Constitucional realizado en la Universidad Diego Portales el 13 de julio de 2015; y de los árbitros anónimos que revisaron este texto.